Donations Policy
The Saint John Henry Newman Library (formerly the Catholic Library of WA) [the Library] gratefully accepts gifts of items that add value to our collection and enhance the learning and research activities of Catholic Education Western Australia Limited. We wish to highlight the following points to potential donors:
- Individuals wishing to donate items must first contact – giving details of the items to be donated, a description of the physical condition and a statement making it clear that you own them.
- Generally, the donor will be asked to supply a prepared list of the items being donated. This information should include the title, author, publisher, date, edition, and number of volumes or issues.
- Donations are accepted on the understanding that retention, cataloguing, preservation and disposal are at the discretion of the Library. The Library is unable to accept donations if the donor wishes to place restrictions on the use of the donated items. All donated items will be evaluated by Library staff for inclusion in our collection in accordance with current policies and guidelines, should be in good condition and are not duplicates of current holdings. To check if the item being donated is a duplicate, please search the online catalogue.
- The Saint John Henry Newman Library will exercise its discretion to dispose of items not suitable for inclusion in the collection and/or surplus to its requirements.
- Donations are normally received without written acknowledgement and the Library will not be able to provide valuations for donated items.
- Items added to the collection shall be accessible to all persons qualified to use items in the Library.
- Items accepted for donation are to be appropriately contained, marked for donation to the Library and be light enough to lift.
- Items may be dropped off at the Reception counter at Newman Siena Centre, Doubleview during opening hours.
- The Library is generally unable to accede to request to pick up/collect donations from private residential addresses.
- The Library regrets that we are currently unable to accept donations of the following materials/formats due to limited space – magazines/periodicals; DVDs/CDs/CD-ROMs.